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An insightful exploration of the invisible barriers, or ‘Lids’, that hold individuals back from achieving their full potential.

“Lids: Cracking Your Glass Ceiling” by Leah Chilengwe is an insightful exploration of the invisible barriers, or ‘Lids’, that hold individuals back from achieving their full potential.

“Lids: Cracking Your Glass Ceiling” by Leah Chilengwe is an insightful exploration of the invisible barriers, or ‘Lids’, that hold individuals back from achieving their full potential. Drawing from her personal experiences, Chilengwe provides a reference point for readers to identify and understand the limitations they may unknowingly impose upon themselves. These Lids can manifest in various aspects of life, from professional ambitions to personal relationships, and recognizing them is the first step towards breaking free.

Chilengwe’s book is not just a narrative of her experiences but also a guide to self-awareness and growth. She articulates how these Lids, tied to our perceptions of what is achievable, can prevent us from realizing our dreams and living authentically. Through her writing, she encourages readers to challenge their Lids and aspire beyond them, thereby cracking the glass ceilings that restrict their lives

In addition to personal growth, “Lids” addresses the broader implications of these barriers on one’s purpose in life. Chilengwe’s insights are aimed at helping individuals embrace their core identity and live lives that are true to themselves. This message is particularly resonant for those who feel stuck in unacceptable situations or relationships, as it offers a pathway to liberation and fulfilment

Leah Chilengwe, with years of experience speaking to businesses and individuals, has founded her ministry Life with Leah. Her passion for seeing people live authentic lives is evident throughout the book. “Lids” is not only Chilengwe’s journey but also an invitation for readers to become the hammer in their lives, to take responsibility, and to actively participate in the shaping of their destinies

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